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Here is an extract from my upcoming publication “The Art of Being Irresistible”.

This extract touches on the issue that women have with men and their propensity towards the visual.  It is very common for women to castigate, shame or demonize men for being too visual (or only interested in the visual) – and sure, some men are a little over the top with it!

However, part of the superpower of being so visual means that perhaps there is a depth to this supposed ‘shallow’ or rude behavior of men that means what they are actually seeing is far more than skin deep?

Extract from “The Art of Being Irresistible” by Jodi Maree

“Men are visual it’s true, but it may not be as shallow as you think it is!  It would appear that a man can tell a lot about the inside of a woman based upon that ‘visual’.

If you are bitter or resentful, this will show in your face.

If you are happy and self-loving, this will show in your face.

If you are confident and authentic, this will show in how you carry yourself.

If you are receptive and happy, this will show in how you carry yourself.

If you are feminine, this will show in your body and face. 

Are you getting my drift?

It won’t matter how nicely you are dressed or how good your makeup is, if you have a hard opinion about men, a drooping spirit about your lot in life, and a bitter and resentful attitude, this will show physically in the shape and softness (or lack of!) of your face and the carriage of your body, and men will respond to it, meaning you are not magnetic to them or safe for them to approach. 

The converse is also true, if you are genuinely happy, have good self-esteem and reasonable confidence, if you are approachable, authentic and receptive, if you are physically present and in your body, loving your femininity and twinkling like the star that you are, men will be attracted to you no matter what degree of beauty you think you have or don’t have.  It’s magnetic!”

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