by Jodi Maree | Mar 20, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality, DNA
The reason we see certain numbers, colours, clothes, actions etc as lucky for us is due to the “history” of having experienced a certain energy of success, luck, joy etc upon previously experiencing that number, colour, shirt etc. What we are really doing is trying to...
by Jodi Maree | Mar 15, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality
(Heads up, this is a longer post than usual, so, if you want the summing up, skip to the end ?) What if gratitude doesn’t mean what you think it means? Gratitude for Manifesting or Creating Sometimes we struggle with the whole idea of gratitude, and...
by Jodi Maree | Feb 28, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality
There are a couple of fundamental truths about 3D; Nothing in 3D can exist without human attention. Where you put your attention you create your reality. Your reality is an inside job, it is created from within you and projected outward. The ego mind or cognitive mind...
by Jodi Maree | Feb 16, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality, The New You
We all think we are so magnificently unique But It’s in that uniqueness that our similarity lies… We are one, and yet we are all unique Creators of our own realities! Just look at Facebook; How many people declare so firmly and delightedly, in one way or...
by Jodi Maree | Nov 29, 2018 | All Articles, Creating Reality, DNA
Light Language You may have heard of the Language of Light, or Light Language, and think it is only sound, or a spoken/sung language, but, did you know that Light language is really pictures? Light language is not meant for the mind to understand, even though the...
by Jodi Maree | Nov 29, 2018 | All Articles, Butterfly Dreaming, Creating Reality
The Beginning The cellular artwork that I create started as an impulse, a few years ago, when I was prompted to create a drawing using sacred geometry shapes with “specifically igniting” colours. This combination of shapes and colours produced a picture...