by Jodi Maree | Jun 10, 2019 | Creating Reality, DNA, The New You
In order to create your reality, you need to be present! Here, now! The I AM statement is more of a full sentence of circular origin – I am that I am, meaning I am such that I may exist, as in, I have to exist (I am) so that all can exist including me (that I...
by Jodi Maree | Apr 5, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality
Nothing Changes Whilst it is true that nothing changes in 3D physical reality, it is also true that just as a by-product of being human, you are traversing billions of realities/timelines every second – they’re just so similar that you don’t even...
by Jodi Maree | Apr 2, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality
Your reality is an inside job, it is created from within you. You are the only one that can change your life – you may feel subject to others, but the truth about reality is that you are in charge of your own timeline and lifestream. So, Why aren’t things...
by Jodi Maree | Mar 20, 2019 | All Articles, Creating Reality, DNA
The reason we see certain numbers, colours, clothes, actions etc as lucky for us is due to the “history” of having experienced a certain energy of success, luck, joy etc upon previously experiencing that number, colour, shirt etc. What we are really doing is trying to...
by Jodi Maree | Mar 18, 2019 | All Articles, The New You
Awareness is a very internal process of noticing where your awareness is and what you are feeling within. Observation is a very external process of detached watching the exterior environment or interior of self. Observation is more detached and external than awareness...