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About Me

Hi there!  My name is Jodi and I live in Perth, Western Australia.  I have been working as an Energy Medicine Practitioner for many years and during that time have learned some pretty surprising stuff about the human and the world we live in.  Through my work i like to share this information allowing you to be more in charge of your own life and choices.

During the last 15 years I have studied many modalities, including, but not limited to:

ITA Tier 1&2 Practitioner – Licensed ITA Course Facilitator – Cert IV Kinesiology – Level 3 Adv EFT – Liquid Crystal Practitioner – Neural Organisation Technique Module I & II – Kinetic Energen – Theta Healing DNA I & II 

I’ve found each one of them had something to offer, but have also found that following only one protocol is limiting.  Life is dynamic and so am I, after years of trying to find that one protocol that ‘works for all’, and after years of being told by the Masters I work with that there isn’t one, I finally believe them!  🙂  It turns out that I’m not so great at sticking to the one protocol, but I am great at seeing the truth and blending what’s known with what’s unknown and creating something new!

I have taken parts of each of these protocols, and moulded them with my natural ability to work with the quantum DNA and cells to create a way of offering my clients a resonance and activation that has the potential to propel them forward into a new way of being.

I use philosophies and understandings about the way the universe works, the way the quantum works, energy reading and body reading, an understanding of the way the male/female mind works and our human interactions with life and others, to help my clients see their patterns, their belief systems and their creations (or their role in their creations) and then using energy medicine protocols I aid my clients in balancing them out of the system and their lives, so that the person now has the freedom to create the reality they desire and move forward with life. 

I believe the best way to grow and be healthy is to allow. It’s time to start noticing ourselves again, start noticing our bodies again – they are the portal to your greater life, a greater understanding and to the multi-dimensional You.  The body knows long before the mind does, which is why sometimes we have to give the cognitive mind concepts and ideas to incorporate in order for it to see what the body already knows and is responding to or urging you towards.

I also create artwork that is designed to ignite and inspire, creating doorways to probabilities and possibilities for the viewer.  These artworks are created using ancient resonance of numbers, colours, repetition, tessellation and shapes, which ignite various responses in the viewer, each viewer will get something different (either in nuance or in totality) from each artwork, so, even though a piece may be designed to activate and ignite the thyroid, each person will have a different need within their thyroid and as such will have a different response to the ‘thyroid activation picture’. 

These artworks are designed for induction to the energy system in various ways, the simplest and most obvious being via the visual pathways.  Simply viewing the artwork that you feel most engaged with, and drawn to, will start the necessary ignition within the cells via the visual pathways; simply put, the visual ignites the pineal which in turn sends the resonance through the spinal pathways and from there (via the energetic grid system) to the necessary area in the energy system for that resonance to do its most beneficial ignition.

# of times a day my dog makes me laugh (at least!)

# of times a week I stay up later than intended (just one more episode!)

# of cupcakes I can eat on my own

% of time I lie about how many cupcakes I can eat

  Contact Me

More Info

Address: PO Box 494, Mount Hawthorn  WA  6016

Phone: 0418 602 012

Business Hours: M-F 9am to 5.00pm

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