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(Heads up, this is a longer post than usual, so, if you want the summing up, skip to the end ?)


What if gratitude doesn’t mean what you think it means?

Gratitude for Manifesting or Creating

Sometimes we struggle with the whole idea of gratitude, and especially the concept of gratitude as an element in creation or manifestation.

It’s been said so many times about manifesting that an ‘attitude of gratitude’ is what we need.

We are encouraged to be grateful for what we already have – to build the energy of gratitude for the Universe to recognise it in you.

We are encouraged to be grateful for that which we are manifesting – prior to it showing up, to indicate a certainty of its existence in 3D reality despite you, the incarnate, not actually seeing it yet.

It seems impossible to muster an authentic feeling of gratitude for your current situation or a manifestation that hasn’t show up yet!

I mean, let’s imagine you are thousands of dollars in debt, and working a piddly job which you hate, and have no prospects of getting ahead in, how do you muster up the feelings needed to feel gratitude for your now?  Let alone muster up the connection to gratitude for a manifestation that you haven’t experienced yet!

Gratitude as an Imprint

Add to this, that the concept of gratitude is often tainted in our society by the idea that ‘we should be grateful for what we’ve got’, meaning that we shouldn’t strive for anything more, we should just settle where we are and stop complaining.  This stems from the ancient puritan and austerity programming in our society.  It is designed to keep us small, stationary and not seeking more.

Hence when we try to use the ‘attitude of gratitude’ to manifest ‘more’ in our lives we are confounded by the inner imprints of gratitude meaning; ‘be quiet, don’t ask for more, be grateful for what you’ve got’ – which is the opposite of what you want it to be if you are attempting to create a new reality for yourself!

Oh, the difficulties of achieving the ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ that is soooo talked about in manifestation!!!

It can seem impossible, overwhelming and downright stupid to even try!


Well . . .

What if I gave you a new way to look at the concept of gratitude?

When we look at gratitude from another perspective, you may be able to see that it is similar to announcing the end of a situation.

The times you say ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m so grateful for that’ are the times when we stop and notice, when we finish or when we are leaving a situation – ‘thank you for having me’.

So, what if you could see gratitude as a ‘finishing’? 

What about, ‘thank you so much for this struggle, this debt, this sadness’ as an announcement of it being over?

Thank you so much for this debt!  It’s been awesome!  I have so much gratitude for this experience, I have mastered debt and poverty, thank you!!  Now, what else is there?  What more is there?  What better is there?

Thank you so much for this struggle!  It’s been awesome!  I have so much gratitude for this experience, I have mastered struggle, thank you!! Now, what else is there?  What more is there?  What better is there?

Thank you so much for this sadness!  It’s been awesome!  I have so much gratitude for this experience, I have mastered sadness, thank you!!  Now, what else is there?  What more is there?  What better is there?

Sure you can have gratitude for the sun, and the sky, and life, and breathing and all of those gorgeous wonderful things we get to experience in life, but when it comes to manifesting/creating, why not look at gratitude a different way and use it to empower your creations into presence?

Gratitude for what is now, allows the surprise of ‘what next?’, because you are effectively saying that ‘what is’ now is complete, so bring on the next thing!

Gratitude puts you in the present.

Gratitude indicates a finishing.

Gratitude is a doorway to something else. 

Gratitude leads us into expectancy of what next!

Expectancy of something new, allows us to see what’s available, moving our focus from sustaining a situation into creating something new!

Remember, even though they’re both fueled by gratitude, there is a difference between manifestation and creation, they’re both valid, they just work in a different way – but that’s for another post ?



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